Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Carol Dumaine

Ms. Carol Dumaine is one of a very small number of individuals who have sought to pursue what Gifford Pinchot calls “intrapreneurship,” but on a global scale. She first came to international attention when she pioneered Global Futures Partnership, an analytic endeavor seeking to enhance outreach and cross-fertilization across varied communities of practice. She received …

Event: 19-20 Oct DC, 29-30 Oct SanFran, 15-16 Nov London, Predictive Analytics Conference and Workshops

Predictive Analytics World Conferences/Workshops in Oct & Nov The predictive analytics conferences and workshops are coming right up – three Predictive Analytics Worlds (PAW) that I’m chairing, and one stand-alone workshop I facilitate. Let me know if you have any questions about their agendas. Oct 19-20 – WASHINGTON DC: PAW Conference & Workshops (pawcon.com/dc) Oct …

Secrecy New Extract: DIA Seeks to Classify Reality

PENTAGON DELAYS PUBLICATION OF NEW BOOK The Department of Defense says that a forthcoming book about the war in Afghanistan contains classified information, and that it should not be put on the market in its current form.  Instead, the Pentagon is considering whether to purchase and destroy the entire first printing of the book, “Operation …

Worth a Look: MindShift Matters (Australia)

From Babette Bensoussan, CEO of MindShifts Matter in Australia: Have you heard……. according to marketing guru Seth Godin, most existing systems (organisations, careers, cities, governments) are resilient to external shocks. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t still be here. Earthquakes, edicts and emergencies come and go, but the systems remain. And yet, it’s the emergencies we …

Search: osint

Searching for osint on this web site is like searching for Steele as an author among all the other authors–the entire site lines up.  However, since 4-6 people do this search daily, we’ve decided to give them an easy first hit. OSS.Net, Inc. Basic Reference of Links 2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2008 Open Source …

Event: 3 pm 14 Sep 2010 Reston Charlie Allen former everything interviewed on stage

A Conversation with Charlie Allen, former Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, DHS, and Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection International Association for Intelligence Education – Washington D.C. Chapter Tuesday, September 14, 2010  3:00 PM Interviewer: Randy Pherson The Exchange Pherson Associates, LLC 1890 Preston White Dr., Suite 200 Reston, VA 20191 Non-members welcome!  …