Stephen E. Arnold: Advertising Revenue Collapsing, Will Google Collapse Also?

Dissing the GOOG: After 15 Years, the Halo Tarnishes From my perspective, the search giant turned Leonardo can envision with the best mankind has offered. The challenge seems to be finding a way to keep the online advertising machine pumping money. I read “Is the Online Advertising Bubble Finally Starting to Pop?” This is an …

Joe Lauria: Why Muslims Hate the West…Understanding Legitimate Grievances that Explain Terrorism as a Tactic

Why We’re Never Told Why We’re Attacked Joe Lauria,, 9 April 2016 It seems to be an effort to cover up a long and ever more intense history of Western military and political intervention in the Middle East and the violent reactions it provokes, reactions that put innocent Western lives at risk. Indirect Western …

Bryan Dean Wright: CIA’s Problem – Subpar Spies

The CIA’s Problem: Subpar Spies Bryan Dean Wright, Fox Business, April 01, 2016 One year ago, CIA Director John Brennan announced sweeping changes at Langley, promising to reorganize the spy service by instituting a slew of bureaucratic fixes to its management structure. Then on Thursday, the CIA acknowledged that it left explosive training material on …

Michel Bauwens: Non-Capitalist (Peer to Peer) Techno-Utopianism

Michel Bauwens — Other Non-Capitalist Techno-Utopianisms Part 5 of Kevin Carson’s Techno-Utopianism, Counterfeit and Real One of the most useful non-Marxist schools is the post-capitalist model of commons-based peer production, which inclues that of Michel Bauwens of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives. Late capitalism, Bauwens writes (with Franco Iacomella), is beset by two main structural irrationalities: artificial abundance and …

Robert Steele: Should Open Source Code Have a PayPal Address & AON Sliding Scale Rate Sheet? UPDATE 2

Robert Steele: Should Open Source Code Have a PayPal Address & AON Sliding Scale Rate Sheet? UPDATE 2 Creative Commons remains the single most brilliant contribution to the licensing conversation surrounding open source code, but it is not good enough. Anything that requires direct reach-back from a user to a coder will not scale, and …