Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow – A History of Electricity and Life [Radiation Sickness Explains All Past and Present Flu Outbreaks Including Wuhan Virus and Radiation Sickness on Cruise Ships] 5G in Context

ROBERT STEELE: This book documents the high probability that radiation sickness is caused by all forms of electricity including 5G, microwaves, and all other forms of emission. The Spanish flu specifically, the current Wuhan virus — and the cruise ships particularly — as well as cancer and diabetes — are all arguably associated with electromagnetic …

Patrick Meier: Social Media – The First 2,000 Years [from Ancient Graffiti to Digital Pee in the Virtual Forest…]

Social Media: The First 2,000 Years What do Papyrus rolls and Twitter have in common? Both were used as a means of “instant” communication. Indeed, a careful reading of history reveals just how ancient social media really is. Further, the questions we pose about social media today have already been debated countless times over hundreds of …

Event: 20 January Occupy the Courts

Inspired by our friends at Occupy Wall Street, and Dr. Cornel West, Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark the second anniversary of the infamous Citizens United v. FEC decision! Occupy the Courts will be a one day occupation of Federal courthouses across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on Friday January 20, 2012. Move to Amend …