Stephen E. Arnold: UK Report on Facebook as “Digital Gangster”

UK Report about Facebook, the Digital Gangster The hot read this morning is the UK’s report about a highly successful US company, Facebook. You can obtain a copy of the report at this link. Coverage of the report is extensive, and DarkCyber anticipates more analyses, explanations, and Twitterverse excitement as the report diffuses. Here are …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Google a Colonizing Force and Palantir Worried About a Demand by KT4 for Electronic Records?

Google: Just Like a Colonizing Force? Can a company cross over into the monetization methods of a country? I read “Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans Massive Expansion to Waterfront Vision” and formulated this company-country question. If accurate the Star’s report seems to outline a way for a commercial enterprise, based in the US, to monetize or …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google News is What Google Wants It To Be…. #GoogleGestapo

Google News: Not So Much News As Control and Passive Aggressive Offense I read “One Analyst’s Attempts to Demystify the Types of Traffic Google Sends Publishers.” The write up explains some of the clever ways Google manages its traffic and any related data linked to the traffic and content objects. To put it another way, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Fake News Videos Can Tip Election, Spark Violence …

Deep Fakes: A Tough Nut to Crack If you are in the media or intelligence business, you undoubtedly already know about the potential of deep fakes or “deepfake” videos. Clips that utilize AI technology to create realistic and completely fake videos using existing footage. The catch is that they are getting more and more convincing…and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Translation – More Intelligent?

Google Translation: Getting More Intelligent? Translation has never been easier with AI and NLP tools. It is amazing for people who cannot speak foreign languages to communicate with the assistance of translation apps, like Google Translation. While there are many translation apps on the market, Google is by far the best free one. As with …