Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Amazon Update List Only Amazon Brands: Generally Duds Why the NYC Queens’ Disintegrated Preparing for the Amazon Revolution uDroppy Picks Up AWS Speed Sisense: A Cyber Intel and Analytics Vendor Joins the Amazon Bandwagon Amazon: Squeezing Elastic Pinterest Spend at AWS AWS Embraces Nvidia Server Chips Read full report.

Stephen E. Arnold: Who Is Behind China’s Mass Surveillance Excellence? Israel

Who Is Assisting China in Its Technology Push? Digging in this field of inquiry, one can learn how the Israeli company “flows” US intelligence-related technology from the US and elsewhere through an intermediary so that certain surveillance systems in China can benefit directly from what looks like technology developed in Israel. Net net: If one …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google’s Discrimination Algorithms… PBI: #GoogleGestapo NEEDS a Massive Class Action Lawsuit!

Google and Anti Disinformation Lest anyone wonder what, exactly, Google is doing to fight disinformation on its platforms, the company has compiled that information in a white paper presented at the recent Munich Security Conference. Techspot tells us, “Google Presents Its Anti-Fake News System in Detail.” Reporter Greg Synek gives us the highlights; we learn:

Stephen E. Arnold: Industrial Catastrophic Sabotage Via the Cloud?

Juicy Target: Big Cloudy Agglomerations of Virtual and Tangible Gizmos What’s the implication? Forget Go to My PC vulnerabilities. Old news. The bad actors may have the opportunity to derail certain industrial and manufacturing processes. What happens when a chemical plant gets the wrong instructions. Remember the Port of Texas City mishap? A tragic failure. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Federating Data: Easy, Hard, or Poorly Understood Until One Tries It at Scale?

Federating Data: Easy, Hard, or Poorly Understood Until One Tries It at Scale? One article explained that there’s a new way to deal with data federation. Always optimistic, I took a look at “Data-Driven Decision-Making Made Possible using a Modern Data Stack.” The revolution is to load data and then aggregate. The old way is …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Amazonia Update Expansion into Grocery Sector Dash Trimmed Cutting Delivery Costs Size of AWS Amazon Translate for Police State Applications Amazon Shipping Sprint & Others Embrace Amazon Read full report. See Also: Arnold Amazon @ Phi Beta Iota