4th Media: We Don’t Make This Stuff Up! — Occupy as a Form of Rising Anarchism

The New Politics of the 21st Century: Global Resistance and Rising Anarchism A number of occurrences have taken place of the past 13 years since the rise of the new millennium; we have seen and are seeing the rise of popular movements all over the world and a resistance to the forces of imperialism, capitalism, …

Paul Craig Roberts: For the Record – Bin Laden’s 2001 Obituary Notice

Bin Laden’s Obituary Notice A Funeral Notice for Osama bin Laden was published on December 26, 2001, in the Egyptian newspaper al-Ward. An English translation is provided below. Anyone fluent in Arabic is invited to verify or correct the translation. This item was sent to me from a reader abroad. Also below are is a …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Assasins for Hire – Pay with Bitcoin China and Bitcoin Cyber Security Tools List Cyber Threat to Energy Sector CryptoLocker Protection Dark Money Groups Fueled by Cable Deterrence? A Revaluation of Premises (Russ Wellen) Hanford Nuclear Gets Worse Happiness is Love.  Period. (Harvard Study, 75 Years) Intelligence Information Sharing (Small Wars Journal) Malware Epidemics (Recorded …

Owl: Microsoft & Facebook Support Screwing of Workers Across America Through Koch Brothers State Policy Network

These Ogre Companies are Anti-Their-Customers “Some of America’s largest technology and telecoms companies, including Facebook, Microsoft and AT&T, are backing a network of self-styled “free-market thinktanks” promoting a radical rightwing agenda in states across the nation, according to a new report by a lobbying watchdog. The Center for Media and Democracy asserts that the State …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

60 Terrorists Plots (Allegedly) Foiled in USA Air Force of the Jihad Blocking China with Land-Based Anti-Ship Missile Alliance Chemical Warfare – Destroying the Last 20% Cyberattacks Timeline (1-16 OCT 13) Cybersecurity Threats Rising Data Science Field Guide Dataset of Political Regimes DEBATE: Hayden versus Gellman on Leaderks versus Whistleblowers DoD Chemtrail Handbook Egyptian Intelligence …