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Graphic: Four Quadrants J-2 High Cell SMS Low Graphic: OSINT Multinational Outreach Network Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube Graphic: Whole of Government Intelligence Graphic: President and Humanity Graphic: OSINT DOSC MDSC as Kernel for Global Grid to Meet Stabilization & Reconstruction as Well as Whole of Government Policy, Acquisition, and Operations Support Graphic: Regional Information-Sharing …

Journal: Potential End to Two-Party Monopoly

Disillusioned Bayh advocates electoral “shock” to broken system In an interview on MSNBC this morning, newly retiring Sen. Evan Bayh declared the American political system “dysfunctional,” riddled with “brain-dead partisanship” and permanent campaigning. Flatly denying any possibility that he’d seek the presidency or any other higher office, Bayh argued that the American people needed to …