Gordon Cook: Highly Recommended Video “Modern Money and Public Purpose – The Historical Evolution of Money and Debt” – Partial Transcription

An hour and three quarters, hugely relevant to our problems today, strongly recommended. Modern Money and Public Purpose: The Historical Evolution of Money and Debt L. Randall Wray and Michael Hudson present at the Modern Money and Public Purpose seminars. L. Randall Wray is a Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Michael …

Mati Nissani: Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco

Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco “Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.”—Lenin  …by  Moti Nissani, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Wayne State University Rand Paul Summary: For many years, the liberty movement’s aspirations and actions have been focused on the presidential candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul. In Early June, this strategy backfired, following …

John Steiner: From Israel, Call for Politics of Heroism versus Hope

Phi Beta Iota:  The full combination of pieces is strongly recommended as  a total read.  The contributing author whose work has been forwarded by Brother John makes a fundamental ethical and intellectual mistake, assuming that there is a significant difference between the Democratic and Republican parties.  Not so.  This is not an either/or choice between …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

The Open Source Everything Manifesto Robert David Steele Reality Sandwich, 13 June 2012 The following is excerpted from The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust published by Evolver Editions, an imprint of North Atlantic Books. The circumstances underlying this manifesto are stark and compelling: We are at the end of a five-thousand-year-plus historical process …

Chuck Spinney: Global Moral Downside of Privatizing US Military Support

In the late 1980s, under the leadership of Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, the Pentagon began to privatise many of  the military’s support services that had traditionally be done soldiers, sailors, and airmen — laundries, dining halls, security guards, cleaning latrines, some supply functions, etc.  It was argued at the time that this would save …