Reference: Stray Dogs and Virtual Armies – Radicalization and Recruitment to Jihadist Terrorism in the United States Since 9/11

Since September 11, 2001, so-called “homegrown terrorists,” working alone or with others, have planned and in some cases implemented terrorist activities, contributed financial or other material support to others’ terrorist activities, or become radicalized in the United States and then traveled to other countries to conduct terrorist activities directed against those countries or against the …

Review: World on the Edge – How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse

Lester Brown 4.0 out of 5 stars The One Book to Buy of Brown’s–By No Means the Whole Picture, September 10, 2011 I’ve read and reviewed a number of books by Lester Brown and his advocacy agency, and have especially appreciated the State of the World series, and his Plan B Series that keeps getting …

Worth A Look: Understanding 9/11 and 9/11 RECAP

Precedent works: Project for a New American Century Post-Event Illuminations: 2006  Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror 2007 Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years” From Niels Groeneveld at Facebook: VIDEO:  9/11 Attack or Godsend (German and British Ministers) Decision to Invade Afghanistan …