Ted Shulman: The Future of Internet Alternatives

The Future of Internet Alternatives Derrick Broze BenSwann.com, 28 February 2014 In the wake of leaked documents detailing extensive, indiscriminate monitoring of the internet a number of solutions have appeared. These new alternatives to the traditional world wide web could completely alter the way we access information. But can they stop a nosy government? Is …

Jean Lievens: 10 Digital Social Innovators to Watch

Ten digital social innovators to watch Many innovations tackling societal problems have developed online. Jon Kingsbury and Peter Baeck highlight rising stars What is digital social innovation? The internet is playing an ever-increasing role in how we work, play and relate to each other. As a natural result of this, many of the most exciting …

2014-03-01 Global Reality Daily 0900 East

We’re playing around. None of the RSS / curation offerings are satisfactory. As a side note: the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) is Top Secret Limited Distribution and costs roughly 219 million dollars a day and is seen by very few. This daily is free and open to all.

Winslow Wheeler: Chuck Hagel on the A-10 – Without a Clue or Without Scruples?

Pierre Sprey and I have authored an analysis of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s statements this past Monday on the A-10.  It follows: Chuck Hagel’s A-10 Legacy By Winslow T. Wheeler & Pierre M. Sprey When he spoke about next year’s defense budget on February 24, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel addressed his decision to …

Jean Lievens: Spain Rocks Content Aggregators with Decision They Must Share Income with Original Content Creators

Long live the link, an interview with David de Ugarte On February 14th, a council of ministers passed a reform on the copyright laws in Spain. According to the reform, content aggregators including Google News, Yahoo News, Bing News and Spain’s famous Menéame would have to depart from part of their income in favor of …