Robert Parry: The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-Gate — Ignoring Israel’s Control of US National Security, Foreign Policy, and Media

The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-gate If the concern is that American political campaigns are being influenced by foreign governments whose interests may diverge from what’s best for America, why not look at countries that have caused the United States far more harm recently than Russia? After all, Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Wahabbi leaders have …

Mongoose: Israel First False Flag Alert

Israel’s Geopolitical Gut Check A once favorable balance of power has shifted, clipping Tel Aviv’s wings. As these countries move forward to extinguish regional terrorism and reconstruct their infrastructure and societies, the Israelis will be left out in the cold.

Scott Roth: Israel’s Control of US Congress — Criticism of Israel a Felony?

Mondoweiss, 13 August 2017 Israel never disappoints in the way it forces otherwise decent people to make excuses for its behavior and to oppose principled resistance to (often illegal) behavior. No matter the evidence, people in positions of power in the United States will invariably betray principles they ostensibly hold dear in order to shield Israel …

Betty Boop” List of 53 US Congressional Representatives Being Bribed and Perhaps Blackmailed by Zionists (Israeli Government and Agent of a Foreign Power AIPAC

53 Congressional Reps On All Expense Paid Trips To Israel At least 53 Congressional representatives are on a week-long trip to Israel, paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), an arm of the powerful lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). The full roster of participants is unknown. The Congressional press office has refused to …

Cynthia McKinney: Gus Savage on the Facts About Israel Lobby and How it Controls Congress

Gus Savage Speaks in the U.S. Congress About the Powerful Israel Lobby: Laying Out the Facts PBI: There is no better description — by a serving Member of Congress — of the perfidy of AIPAC as  the lead for illegal lobbying and financial crime on behalf of Israel against Members of Congress who fail to …