Mongoose: Tulsi Who? Is Gabbard a Total Manchurian Candidate and Replacement for Obama?

Alert Reader writes in: Tulsi Gabbard is certifiable other 0bumma, allegedly from same place, but with phantom childhood, as with 44.   but she being under cover “home school” control, and not unlike Michey 0bumma, there are no record of her youth, nor a friend.   She appears to be 100% controlled asset and not unlike that …

Paul Adams: Poll Shows US Jews Not Supportive of Israel, Israeli Jews Want Less Religion in Government

51% of Israeli Jews Believe U.S. Jews Not Supportive Enough of Israel, Haaretz Poll Finds New survey commissioned for Wednesday’s inaugural Judaism, Israel and Diaspora Conference offers fascinating snapshot of Israeli Jews’ views on God, observance and their U.S. counterparts Phi Beta Iota: Tip of the Hat to Anshel Pfeffer and Ha’aretz for a superb …

Paul Adams: LtCol Alexander Vindman a Zionist Tool Used by Netanyahu to Schlong President Trump? We Think So. UPDATE 2: Vindman as Foreign Agent

Vindman is Jewish-American. Was he groomed to be America-First in Iraq, and, now, when the Zionists need Trump dumped, is he Israel-First as he throws Trump under the bus? Did Bibi have him in the WH as the perfect mole, as his insurance policy in case Trump did a 180 on Zionists? This theory dovetails …

Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++

Part I: Top 50 books (cosmic mind-altering books) Part II: The other 2,000 books in 26 clusters (a national conversation) Part III: SPY IMPROV – Questions & Answers To view in full screen mode click on vimeo word at lower right screen. Additional videos, graphics, scripts, and linked tables of book reviews below.

Zero Hedge: IRS Audits Poor Because It’s Cheaper, Auditing Rich Too Hard

IRS Admits Targeting The Poor Because It’s “Easier And Cheaper” Than Auditing The Wealthy The IRS has announced that it’s “too expensive” to audit the rich. Affluent taxpayers, the 1%, are too well protected from government intrusion. Their tax returns are complex and take more time and more experienced auditors to review them. The IRS then has …