Yoda: China Thinking — Rifkin Rising — Not Enough

Free, energy is.  Corrupt, governments are. The London Times: China Embraces Rifkin’s Third Industrial Revolution The London Times reported that members of the twenty-four person Politburo and senior party officials are reading and actively discussing Jeremy Rifkin’s New York Times bestselling book, The Third Industrial Revolution, on the eve of the National Party Congress on November 8th that will usher …

Richard Wright: Secret Intelligence Cloud, Charlie Allen’s Warning, Comment by Robert Steele

This piece quotes Charlie extensively and generally he is supportive of the concept, but noted that it would require strong leadership from the DCI and that a new “business model” for intelligence would be needed.  He warned that: “Specifically, the data connectivity requirements will be huge, Allen said. The intelligence community already has a prodigious …

Yoda: Human API?

Human, force is. Plugging into the Future of Humanity: Exploring the Human API I recently had the opportunity to present at LeWeb in Paris, arguably Europe’s largest conference dedicated to the future of technology. The theme of the conference explored the Internet of Things, where devices and things connect to one another to perform certain …

Richard Stahlman: Free Software Supporter Issue 56

Free Software Supporter Issue 56, November 2012 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 64,307 other activists. That’s 1,124 more than last month! View this issue online here: http://www.fsf.org/free-software-supporter/2012/free-software-supporter-issue-56-november-2012 Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …