Review: Cyber-War – The Next Threat to National Security and What To Do About It

Richard Clarke 4.0 out of 5 stars Clarke is Always Worth Reading–and Always 20 Years Behind, March 31, 2012 I wrote the original letter to Marty Harris at the National Information Infrastructure, it–and the attachments developed with Winn Schwartau, Jim Anderson, and Bill Caeli–are easily found by searching for < 1994 Sounding the Alarm source=phibetaiota …

Berto Jongman: Various National Security Contributions

Brief History of Hactivism Bruce-Hoffman Super-Author per Routledge Cyber Articles from Routledge 2012 Cybercrime Dominated By Organized Gangs, Academic Study Finds Engineers rebuild HTTP as a faster Web foundation Militarization of Cyber-Security Social Networking Risks Terrorism as Manageable Risk US counterterrorism policy US outgunned in hacker war VIDEO on Brain Structure War porn: The new …

Berto Jongman: Various National Security Online Posts

Al Qaeda’s Network in Iran (per German trial) DoD finalizing rules of engagement for cyber attacks George Clooney’s satellite spies reveal secrets of Sudan’s bloody army Lockerbie Report Slams Courts for Multiple Failures On the Edge Radical Interpretation of US Presidential Order SXSWi: pictures worth a thousand bytes

Reference: US Intelligence on Global Water Security

ODNI Releases Global Water Security ICA ICA_Global Water Security See Also: PDBWater (Winston Maiki, RIP – one man two-days) Reference: Future Water Wars A Summary Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP  

Berto Jongman: Various National Security Readings

Background on Forsane Alizza (Islamic Action Group in France) Disaster Risk Reduction Spending FBI-NYPD Turf Battle Hunger as a Weapon of Mass Destruction PMC Support for FSA in Syria Religion and Climate Change Fueling Chaos What’s Killing Us: A Practical Guide to Understanding Our Biggest Global Health Problems