Richard Stallman: Free Software Issue 60 November 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 68, November 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Give freely this Cyber Monday: Introducing the 2013 Giving Guide FSF campaigns manager speaks about free software at iD Programming Academy LibrePlanet 2014 dates announced Avaneya releases libre game for GNU/Linux based on lost NASA archives Rockstar vs. Google: software patents as a license for …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

9 Challenges Facing Journalism 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel ACTIVISM: Anti-Drone Movement BIG IDEAS: Bitcoin Economy BIG IDEAS: Digital Privacy Resolution from United Nations BIG IDEAS: Earth Is A Machine BIG IDEAS: Learning Through Interesting Imagery BIG IDEAS: Post-Human Future? BIG IDEAS: Vaclav Smil on Reality (Bill Gate’s Favorite Author) CYBER: App Generation CYBER: …

Jean Lievens: What We Need in NextGen Social Network – The Next Web (Facebook Is For Grandparents)

Facebook is for grandparents: What we need in a next-gen social network By Jonathan Saragossi, Sunday, 24 Nov ’13 , 10:25pm It’s time to move on. The feeling is becoming more and more significant with each passing day and it just keeps spreading. It’s just not it any more… we want something new, exciting, which …

Stephen E. Arnold: Mats Bjore and SILOBREAKER

Exclusive Silobreaker Interview: Mats Bjore, Silobreaker With Google becoming more difficult to use, many professionals need a way to locate, filter, and obtain high value information that works. Silobreaker is an online service and system that delivers actionable information. The co-founder of Silobreaker said in an exclusive interview for Search Wizards Speaks says: I learned …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Congressional Sluts Line Up for Zion

Guest Column by Uri Avnery “Senator after Senator, Congressman after Congressman comes forward to support the Israeli government against their own president. The same people who jumped up and down like string puppets when Netanyahu made his last speech before both houses of Congress, try to outdo each other in assertions of their undying loyalty …

NATO WATCH: Time for a No-Spy Zone? Or More Realistically, Time for EU/NATO to Discover Open Source Intelligence with Integrity?

NATO Watch Comment: Time to establish a ‘No Spy Zone’ in NATO? By Dr Ian Davis, NATO Watch Director 22 November 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Disclosure of US intelligence surveillance activities in Germany and other allied countries has aroused angry political and public reaction in those countries. The whistleblower Edward …