Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global Computing – Cheaper

Amazon Aims to Make Computing Cheaper Amazon has aspirations beyond being the world’s largest retailer. The online retail giant also aspires to be a mega force in computing, says The New York Times Bits Blog in: “Amazon Bares Its Computers.” Amazon has announced that it is taking its Amazon Web Services beyond simple cloud-computing to …

Jean Lievens: Elements of Collaborative Economy – Social, Mobile, Payment Networks

Forget about Growth Hacking, the future is in the Collaborative Economy VIDEO Anyone working in digital can somewhat relate to the overuse of loosely defined marketing words – think ‘big data’ or ‘cloud computing’ (bzzzz). Growth hacking seems to be just another one of them. In colloquial terms, growth hacking is associated with the exploitation …

Chuck Spinney: Patrick Cockburn Interviews Muqtada al-Sadr on Iraq — Toxic Mix of Sectarianism, Incompetent and Corrupt Government, and Interference by US, UK, and Iran

The United States bears a moral responsibility for the murderous state of affairs in Iraq, but contemporary American grand strategy has become a self-referencing mix of arrogance, narcissism, and exceptionalism; so it is not surprising that most Americans have dismissed Iraq their minds (as they are now dismissing Afghanistan).  Below is an excellent reminder of the situation …

Stephen E. Arnold: LinkedIn Pulse Takes Professional News Aggregation & Precision Showcasing to Next Level

LinkedIn Catches the News Bug Ever since Google left a void by discontinuing Google Reader, other RSS feeds programs have attempted to fill it. Pulse is one of the top replacements and now “LinkedIn Integrates With Pulse For Professional News Aggregation. Social Sharing.” LinkedIn purchased Pulse earlier this year and now they are offering their …

David Sabow: Betrayal – Toxic Murder of USMC Personnel and Their Families

NARCOTRAFFICKING, MURDER AND TOXIC SOUP In 1985 when TCE was found in several agricultural wells off of El Toro, Camp Lejeune on the East coast was forced to close down wells contaminated with TCE and other contaminants.  As many as one million veterans and their dependents were exposed to Lejeune’s contaminated wells over 30 years …