Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Sam Rose

Samuel Rose created Socialsynergyweb.com to help people deal with the complexities of knowledge, understanding, change, human systems, evolution, foresight, cooperation and collaboration, and technology. This business is now integrated into both Forward Foundation and Future Forward Institute. He is a principal contributor to the Autonomous Internet Road Map. He is interested in effective knowledge synthesis, …

Reference: Crisis Mapping

Recommended: see http://p2pfoundation.net/Crisis_Mapping, part of http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Geography and updated via http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Mapping See Also: Autonomous [Free, Distributed] Internet

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Eben Moglen

Professor Eben Moglen is a long-standing champion of free and open source software and one of the top twelve to twenty-five minds thinking deeply in the English language about the future of the Internet consistent with creating a prosperous world at peace.  Among many other accomplishments, including global mind-melds in multiple languages, Professor Moglen is …

John Seely Brown’s New Culture of Learning and US Unified Community Action Network (US UCAN)

in a world of constant flux a person who is not curious is screwed. John Seeley Brown In the past eight weeks as I have become more familiar with Internet2’s award to build a backbone to connect upwards of 200,000 unified community anchor institutions into a national network and have put this knowledge alongside that …

Freedom Box Reflections

Autonomous Internet [or Autonomous Free Distributed Internet for the elderly] is the new meme in town, inspired by the role of Facebook and Twitter as well as the rapidly developed Internet Work-Arounds that were developed by a huge network of great-hearted citizens. Freedom Box is an idea, not a capability, but it holds enormous potential, …

Tahrir Project: Decentralized Anonymous Twitter

The Tahrir Project Tahrir will be decentralized anonymous Twitter, from the crazy fool that brought you Freenet. It is early days but I’m making rapid progress. Tahrir aims to be a distributed, decentralized, scalable, and anonymous “workalike” for Twitter. Overview Architecture Frequently Asked Questions Autonomous Internet Google Group Comment: Not sure what it solves what …