Review: Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

Jane McGonigal 6 Star for Concept–Ignores Past Pioneers–Energizes Us All February 28, 2011 I took the time to read all of the reviews to date, and was reminded again of the chasm between those who understand technology and its possibilities, and those who do not. Being among the latter, in part because I am a …

TCP/IP Alternative Solution Scenarios

From Scott at SolarNetOne via GoogleGroup on DistributedDecentralizedInternet TCP/IP over quantum entanglement TCP/IP over frequency ranges not yet used … TCP/IP over Tesla’s scalar impulses Phi Beta Iota: DuckDuckGo stacks added. See Also: Free Space Optics Contextual Comment Below the Line

NIGHTWATCH Essay: Youth, Democracy, & the West

NightWatch Essay: Some time ago, David Goldman, purporting to channel Oswald Spengler for Asia Times Online, wrote a farsighted essay [And Spengler is…] that anticipated, predicted and warned that modern impulses in the youth of the Middle East would rise up against conservative institutions to assert a modern definition of being Arab, Berber, Turk, Persian …

Design Principles for Survivable Networks

  As Milo points out to build survivable networks  we “should look to an Internet era architecture where you have multiple independent networks of different capabilities that inter-operate with each other because they are IP networks. “ That is the exact premise and design of the Greenstar network – which is the worlds first Internet network where …