OSE Manifesto in Spanish – Chapter 5

The OSE Manifesto is being translated into Chinese, French, and Spanish. Here is Chapter 5 in Spanish. Capítulo 5: Integridad, mentiras, y Panarquía Translated by Franco Vegara DOC (9 Pages): SPANISH OSE Chapter 5 Full Text Below the Fold

Mongoose: Russia Stops Europe’s Gas Over Ukraine — Power Grid Sabotage Next?

Playtime is over. Serves Europe right for being an ignorant unethical pawn to US lies… As for John Kerry, he is, if anything, even more worthless than Hillary Clinton ever was. Europe plunged into energy crisis as Russia cuts off gas supply via Ukraine Russia cut gas exports to Europe by 60 per cent today, …

Yoda: Neil Irwin in NYT Gets Its Right – Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites — Robert Steele Comments + Book Review RECAP

At last, NYT gets something right. Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites Neil Irwin New York Times, 18 September 2014 When you get past the details of the Scottish independence referendum Thursday, there is a broader story underway, one that is also playing out in other advanced nations. It is a …

Jan Oberg: Obama Hits a Moral and Intellectual Low — War on Terror a Predictable Fiasco Lacking in Intelligence or Integrity

September 11: The War on Terror is a – predictable – fiasco By Jan Oberg, TFF co-founder Lund, Sweden September 11, 2014. President Obama’s speech last night This speech is a record low in terms of moral and intellectual analysis: What it boils down to is war – i.e. killing every single ISIS person anywhere, …