Mini-Me: Israel Finally Has a Master — China

Huh? Will China Become the New Mideast Mediator? By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall Good thing I have access to CCTV-English (Chinese state television) for international news or I would have totally missed the scoop that Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu has frozen new settlement activity in the Palestinian West Bank. CCTV-English is a free channel on …

Marcus Aurelius: The Cyber-Dam Break — “Blame It On China” Goes Into High Gear

The Cyber-Dam Breaks Sensitive Army database of U.S. dams compromised; Chinese hackers suspected BY: Bill Gertz The Washington Free Beacon, May 1, 2013 U.S. intelligence agencies traced a recent cyber intrusion into a sensitive infrastructure database to the Chinese government or military cyber warriors, according to U.S. officials. The compromise of the U.S. Army Corps …

Berto Jongman: China Pandemic — Thousands of Dead Pigs in Rivers, Mutating Virus in Chickens, GMO Connection

Sorcha Faal is exaggerating again I think but the numbers are rising and the virus is spreading. It is a situation of great concern as the WHO has warned.I haven’t heard a good explanation yet for the thousands of dead pigs floating in  Chinese rivers. Phi Beta Iota:  Sorcha Fall (David Booth) is a known …

Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP

2013-04-03  Applause for China-Africa cooperation (Zambia) 2012-09-18  In Africa’s warm heart, a cold welcome for Chinese (Malawi) 2012-09-03  China in Africa, a Sierra Leonean viewpoint 2012-07-04  Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty 2011-07-19  Cameron warns Africans over the ‘Chinese invasion’ as …

SmartPlanet: China to boast world’s most advanced internet

China to boast world’s most advanced internet An analysis, conducted earlier this year, showed that Hong Kong boasted the world’s fastest internet speeds. But right outside its borders, an economic beast is building a newer version so powerful and efficient, that it’s expected to surpass anything currently being used in the west. With a population …

NIGHTWATCH: China Visits Russia, Both Tell US To Shut Up and Back Off — In Simpler Terms, Russia Owns the North, China Owns the South, India and Iran Are Contained

China-Russia: Xinhua published today a summary of President Xi Jinping’s remarks for different audiences in Moscow. “During talks with President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on Friday, Chinese President Xi stressed that China and Russia are each other’s major and most important strategic cooperative partners, and both accord priority to deepening their comprehensive strategic cooperative …

SchwartzReport: China Breeding “Enhanced” People [While Exporting Surplus Males], Stupid Humans a Western Cancer, Willful Ignorance of the US Progressives–Only the Quakers Get It Right

This is the latest in the Homo Superiorus Trend. I predict this is going to become a major issue very quickly. Chinese Eugenics Factory Collects ‘Genius” DNA To Breed ‘Enhanced” People JURRIAAN MAESSEN – Blacklisted News Here is why movements like the Tea Baggers, the modern version of the Know Nothings who plagued America in …