Robert Steele: The Big Lie: “Russian Propaganda.” The Bigger Lie: “The Truth Is What We Say It Is.”

The Big Lie: “Russian Propaganda.” The Bigger Lie: “The Truth Is What We Say It Is.” American Herald Tribune 18 September 2018 DOC (6 Pages): AHT IO Russia and the Rest FINAL 1.1 Full text online below the fold. Полный текст, переводимый в онлайн ниже складки – используйте переходник в правом верхнем углу экрана. גאַנץ …

Yoda: Syria False Flag, Treason in the White House?

Right, Russians are. ‘Chlorine delivered’: Idlib militants ‘readying false flag attack’ in Syrian village – Russian MoD The chlorine-filled canisters were delivered by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants of Tahrir al Sham, formerly known as Al-Nusra Front, a spokesman of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Lieutenant General Vladimir Savchenko, said in a statement Saturday. He …

Robert Steele: President Donald Trump’s 9/11 Speech is Full of Errors — Cell Phones Did Not, Do Not Operate on Aircraft, Nor Were Airphones Used UPDATE 3

UPDATE 3: I continue to get emails that assure me that the President has Bush-Cheney is his sights — which would also be a brilliant preamble to taking down Obama-Biden-Clinton (my letter to Comey below). Robert Steele: Certified Letter to James Comey – Pedophilia, Electoral Fraud, Treason, Charity Fraud – UPDATE 5 A major economic …

Robert Steele: Vice President Mike Pence Platitudes at Pentagon 9/11 Commemoration – Could This Be a Feint?

UPDATE: I have been heartened by the number of people — some of them “connected” — who scrambled on this post. The original post is below the fold. Here is the gist of what one particular President’s pal wrote to me: Trump was there on the day, and he knows the truth behind it all. …

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy

9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy Remarks to 9/11 Justice For All, Busboys & Poets, 11 September 2018, 9 pm (est) “The truth at any cost lowers all others costs.”  As Charles Lewis has so eloquently and definitively established, 9/11 lies have destroyed America’s moral integrity. In just fifteen minutes …

Robert Steele: Faux News Full of Shit, Deep State Outlet, Lying About Syria Gas Attacks – Faux News Joins Crap News Network as an Enemy of the American People – Heil Zion!

As I write this Shepard Smith, who speaks the words put in his mouth by his shyster producer, is listening to Ben Hall, a Zionist pimp based in Jerusalem, pushing the FALSE Zionist story that Assad is has “signed off” on a new gas attack.  Ben Hall is lying outright when he says on the …

Benjamin Fulford: Pandemic False Flag & Big Tech Censorship

Pandemic scare brewing as cabal faces doom A pandemic scare is looming as airplanes in multiple countries reported to be full of “diseased” people are landing and being put in quarantine. However, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) sources say the incidents all appear to be fake ones involving crisis actors.