Stephen E. Arnold: French Replace Google with Qwant #GoogleGestapo Crumbling?

French Wash Out Google. Recruit Qwant Last year, we took note when the privacy-centric search engine Qwant, a French and German company, declared its intention to take on Google for internet search dominance. Now, The Sun reports, “France Declares War on Google as Military Replaces Search Engine with ‘Untrackable’ Qwant.” Apparently, officials feel their nation’s …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Opens a New Front in the Cloud Wars

Amazon Opens a New Front in the Cloud Wars Vice president of infrastructure Peter DeSantis introduced the AWS Graviton Processor Monday night, adding a third chip option for cloud customers alongside instances that use processors from Intel and AMD. The company did not provide a lot of details about the processor itself, but DeSantis said …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon – A Succulent Target for Criticism

Amazon: A Succulent Target for Criticism Heads up, Amazon, not everyone loves your shopping service. One example is the profane bassoonist. Yeah, that type of person exists in Amazonland. The story of the bassoon strap, a subscription service, and other money grubbing methods employed by the digital superstore infuse “What If Actually…Is A Horrible …

Stephen E. Arnold: Cloudtenna for Global-Local Search?

Cloudtenna for Combined Cloud and Local Search Here’s a claim we’ve heard before: ZDNet declares, “Find a File Anywhere: Cloudtenna Targets Local and Cloud File Search.” Writer Robin Harris begins by describing the problem this upgrade addresses—an increasing number of cloud storage locations, combined with on-premise servers, make good search solutions even more challenging to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Journal Subscription Doomsday

Journal Subscription Doomsday Is Upon Us China might have the great firewall when it comes to blocking access, but another infamous digital wall is the great academic paywall a.k.a. subscription paywalls that block access to scientific and academic journals. That could all be changing. Researchers everywhere are shocking and gasping at the thought of have …