Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Police State Stuff….

Amazon Police State Stuff, employees rebel, some good news (Amazon misrepresents…) I have been following the Amazon response to employee demands to cut off the US government. Put that facial recognition technology on “ice.” The issue is an intriguing one; for example, Rekognition plugs into DeepLens. DeepLens connects with Sagemaker. The construct allows some interesting …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global TakeOver Removing Open Source Plums from the Marketplace

Amazon: Global Takeover to Leverage the Cloud From bookstores to grocery stores to even video stores, we have gotten used to the idea that Amazon is impossible to stop once it begins in a new market. However, some folks re worried about a market that Amazon has been involved with for a while. We learned …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo (Google) Sells Access to All Your Emails

Google: Privacy May Be a Relative Concept Google is concerned about its users privacy. It has options for users to turn off data sharing to protect their privacy. Google says it has these options…supposedly. Fortune shares how Google is breaking its privacy promises in the article, “Google Admits That It Lets Outside Services Share Your …