Mini-Me: Hillary to Challenge Obama in 2012 — As Long Planned

HILLARY CLINTON WILL CHALLENGE OBAMA IN 2012! Frank Lake Weekly World News, December 21st, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC –  Sources close to Hillary Clinton say  she will announce her run for President in 2012. Hillary Clinton came to WWN Headquarters and told editors that she is livid about the downgrade of the U.S. Credit Rating.  “I’ve stood …

Marcus Aurelius: Obama Vacation Cost to Taxpayer: $4 Million

With More Vacation Days and Separate Travel, Price of Obama’s Annual Hawaiian Holiday Rises Hawaii Reporter BY MALIA ZIMMERMAN – KAILUA, OAHU – The U.S. Secret Service has arrived, street barricades are in place, and the U.S. Coast Guard has stationed itself in the waters surrounding Kailua, Oahu. That is a sure sign President Barack …

Chuck Spinny: Obama Zero Understanding, All Shicksa

Why the President Obama Should Study Sun Tzu While Obama worries about appeasing Israel and Jewish vote at home, as well as being pressured to support threats of an Israeli attack on Iran, the government of Israel beavers away as usual, creating new facts on the ground. Here (portions of which are quoted below) is an editorial in Ha’aretz, …

Josh Kilbourn: Bush-Obama End Financial Prosecutions

US Federal Prosecutions For Financial Fraud In the Obama Administration Fall to Record Lows Jesse’s Cafe Americain, 16 November 2011 The declines in US Federal prosecutions for financial fraud  that began under G.W. Bush have followed that down trend that in the first three years of the Obama Administration. That might make more sense if Obama …