Yoda: Data Producing Intelligence — But Not in the “Intelligence” Community

Intelligence, this is. Predicting presidents, storms and life by computer Associated Press, Saturday, November 10, 2012 WASHINGTON (AP) — Forget political pundits, gut instincts, and psychics. The mightier-than-ever silicon chip seems to reveal the future. In just two weeks this fall, computers models displayed an impressive prediction prowess. It started when the first computer model …

Mini-Me: REPLAY Future of the USA in 3 Parts

Huh? The future of the USA – 2012-2016: An insolvent and ungovernable United States (first part) Thus, according to LEAP/E2020, the 2012 election year, which opens against the backdrop of economic and social depression, complete paralysis of the federal system (3), strong rejection of the traditional two-party system and a growing questioning of the relevance …

Mini-Me: Fukushima Impact on US West Coast – Keeping the Truth Off the Table….+ Fukushima / Nuclear Meta-RECAP

Huh? Impact to US West Coast from Fukushima disaster likely larger than anticipated, several reports indicate Non-naturally occurring radionuclides from the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant’s triple meltdown last year radioactively contaminated the entire northern hemisphere within days and the US west coast bore a significant brunt of so called hot particles, an independent scientific paper …

Search: solutions for prosperous world UPDATED to include readings & contact info

Updated 29 October 2012 to include frequent search request “readings about solutions for a prosperous world” also added skype and email contact info New integrated search term:  readings about solutions for a prosperous world The proven process of intelligence is not secret, not federal, and not expensive.  Thinking is free.  What matters is the strategic …

20120801 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-PAPER THE LIST:  http://tinyurl.com/OSE-LIST THE AUTHOR: http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012 TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

20120728 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-Steele THE PERSON: http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012 TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost