INTERVIEW: Nafeez Ahmed (The Guardian) and Robert Steele on Re-inventing Intelligence to Re-engineer Earth

NEW URL (Guardian revamping its site): The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% ORIGINAL URL: The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% – ex CIA spy The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer …

Berto Jongman: Jihadist Gains in Iraq Blindside American Spies

Jihadist Gains in Iraq Blindside American Spies First Crimea, now Iraq. Why does America’s $50 billion intelligence community keep getting taken by surprise? Shane Harris Foreign Policy, 12 June 2014 nited States intelligence agencies were caught by surprise when fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) seized two major Iraqi cities this …

Mini-Me: US Intelligence Community’s Kodak Moment — IMPLOSION — Comment by Robert Steele

Huh? The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Kodak Moment The game is changing rapidly. Can Washington’s intelligence community keep up? Josh Kerbel National Interest, 15 May 2014 Josh Kerbel is the Chief Analytic Methodologist at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He writes often and openly on the intersection of government (especially intelligence) and globalization. The views expressed in …

Berto Jongman: US National Security Achilles Heel – Electromagnetic Spectrum’s Vulnerability to Being Fried

U.S. National Security’s Achilles Heel – The Electromagnetic Spectrum Over the past four years bills on cybersecurity, Electromagnetic Pulse threats, and other forms of “purposeful interference” with U.S. cyberspace have been introduced only to go nowhere. By now it has been well established that EMP, whether in the form of a Carrington Event of solar origin or the …