Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Bombing at the Speed of Thought: Intelligence in the Coming Age of Cyberwar (2003) For Israel’s elite army intel unit, errors of the past send a spying eye into the future Hitlerland: Andrew Nagorski discusses Hitler’s rise to power and Nazi Germany as seen through the eyes of Americans—diplomats, military, expats, visiting authors, Olympic athletes—who …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Al Qaeda Struggles with Training, Diminishing World Influence, says TRAC Black-Scholes: The maths formula linked to the financial crash Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation Has the internet run out of ideas already? Internet censorship listed: how does each country compare? Internet Hall of Fame (Pioneers, Innovators, …

Berto Jongman: Japan Planning Forced Evacuation of 40 Million

Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed China said to offer up the “ghost cities” immediately capable of ingesting this number. By: Sorcha Faal, 15 April 2012 A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Ministry on the planned re-opening of talks with Japan over the disputed …

Josh Kilbourn: Fukushima #4 Spent Fuel Rods + Earthquake = Nuclear Holocaust

Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 4: An earthquake before spent fuel rods are moved to safe storage would be “the end” By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Naked Capitalism, Saturday, April 14, 2012 This clip from TV Asahi is a lucid explanation of the biggest ongoing news story in the world today: The catastrophic consequences if an earthquake …

#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.  ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.  COALITION CABINET is the method.  INTEGRITY is the core value.  COMMONWEALTH RESTORED is the outcome. Occupy Revolution OccupyWallStreet (Home Site) Original Electoral Reform Documents (Updated) We the People Reform Coalition   25 March 2012 Penn Badgley …