Owl: Zionist Israel’s Last Desperate False Flag Endeavor – Merging Sampson Option with Operation Blackjack to Simulate Iranian Nuclear Suitcases in Multiple Western Capitals

Zionist Israel (not to be confused with Progressive and Reform Jews) is close to death. This is a very credible compilation that outlines how ZioCon traitors in the USA and other countries might collaborate with Zionist Israel in a final desperate attempt to drive the USA into another elective war based on lies, target Iran. …

Robert Steele Reddit AMA: Digitally Assassinated by #GoogleGestapo (Zionists)

UPDATE: The following was posted 9 June 2018 by the organizer of the Ask Me Anything (AMA) event featuring Robert David Steele: [–]aleister[M] [score hidden] 3 hours ago Robert Steele has informed me that his account was suspended for three days, effectively a digital assassination of the AMA. He wants everybody to know that he …

Robert Steele: A New Banking Era & Autonomous Zones – Reconciliation with Japan, Exit Strategy for the Zionists, Solution for the Kurds? UPDATE Mongol Manchuria

A New Banking Era & Autonomous Zones Reconciliation with Japan, Exit Strategy for the Zionists, Solution for the Kurds? Robert David Steele UPDATE: Putin has invited Kim to visit Russia, and this is likely to happen. A source in Japan reports that the Japanese and Koreans want Russia involved in order to dilute US role …