Benjamin Fulford: New Financial Crisis Coming Soon — But Banks and Zionists Are On the Run…

New financial crisis likely as Western civil war intensifies in Washington D.C., Europe, Brazil and elsewhere The pushback against Trump’s Zionist blackmail-induced activity in the Middle East could be seen when “the House on May 23 banned Trump from declaring war on Iran without Congressional approval, and Congress on May 24 killed a measure for …

Gareth Porter: The Deep State Zionist Media Plot to Derail Donald Trump & Unification / Denuclearization of the Koreas

How Corporate Media Are Undermining a US-North Korea Nuclear Weapons Deal These examples of flagrant misrepresentation of facts and irrelevant and nonsensical arguments reflect a fundamental problem with the corporate media as well as the political elites of the United States: They are so wedded to the interests of the national security state and to …

CounterPunch: The Dark Side of Israeli Independence (Zionist Genocide of Palestinians)

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence by Brett Wilkins On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Each May 15, Palestinians solemnly commemorate Nakba Day. Nakba means catastrophe, and that’s precisely what Israel’s independence has been for the more than 700,000 Arabs and their five million refugee descendants forced from their homes and into exile, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon’s Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) — The Ultimate Censorable, Manipulable Walled Garden, a World Brain Of, By, and For the Zionists?

Amazon: Why Support Blockchain? To Chase IBM? Wrong. In June 2018, I will describe Amazon’s lynch pin approach to intelligence analysis. The “play” has been ignored or overlooked by those who monitor the next generation information access market. At the Telestrategies ISS conference, I will report the DarkCyber and Beyond Search analysts’ assessment of this …

Mongoose: US City Bans Zionist Training of US Police — Focus on Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as the Zionist “Fixer” in the USA

US City’s Ban on Police Training in Israel Builds Momentum Against Racist Violence Durham, North Carolina’s city council banned police exchanges with Israel in a landmark vote. Jewish Voice for Peace director Rebecca Vilkomerson says this is an important step to combat police brutality, militarization, and oppression of Palestinians.