Cynthia McKinney: COVID Weaponized Against Europeans?

There is at least one strain out there that targets Europeans but does not select Ashkenazi Jews, the Amish, and Finns according to this study. New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis COVID-19 is strangely and tragically selective. We found unique genetic susceptibility across different populations in ACE2 and …

Yoda: COVID-19 Plus Is A Crime Against Humanity

Nuremberg Trials now mandatory across all countries and especially including Australia, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom as well as most States in the USA. Four French doctors and scientists have filed a complaint against the Institut Pasteur for crime against humanity. They found all the patents filed by the Institut Pasteur since 2003 for …

Mongoose: Coincidence or Deep State Enemy Action? The Usual Suspects – China, Gates, Soros, Fauci, Gilead Sciences, Wuhan, & Remdesivir

Remdesivir: George Soros & Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug! A drug called Remdesivir, manufactured by Gilead Sciences, is now being reported as the ultimate “CURE” for COVID-19. But it gets MORE interesting… The patent for Remdesivir is currently held by China, through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary, called UNITAID.  …

Jon Rappoport: COVID-19 As Cover Story for 5G & Lockdown Planet . . .

Covert op: “the virus” as cover story For months, I’ve been demonstrating that no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists (start here). Instead, elite planners have been selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. In covert intelligence operations, this would be called a cover story. It obscures true goals. It justifies crimes that would otherwise be nakedly …