Cynthia McKinney: New Books on SARS-COV-2 Likely Manmade, China Connection

Cynthia McKinney Edits Critical Volume on SARS-Cov-2, Likely Manmade Origins Former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) has edited a critical volume on the SARS-COV-2 pandemic (commonly known as “COVID-19”). “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis,” published by Clarity Press, brings together critical perspectives addressing various aspects of the pandemic. …

One Smoking Gun and It’s British — Again

Remember when I told you that the whole “Russian Collusion” meme would be tracked back to the British Government and rogue elements in their MI6 and Secret Service? It was. And especially today, remember their role in the Kennedy Assassination? How the Secret Service suddenly and mysteriously disappeared during those crucial minutes? ROBERT STEELE: British …

Yoda: New York Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving COVID Order

New York Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving COVID Order Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo summed up the sheriffs’ objections nicely. “I can’t see how devoting our resources to counting cars in citizens’ driveways or investigating how much turkey and dressing they’ve purchased is for the public good,” Zurlo said in a press release. This …

Mongoose: COVID Assuredly 5G and Multi-Vector in Nature — And Likely Criminal Activity by Vaccine Makers — We Are Entering Full Genocide – Other Atrocity Mode

As Covid-19 Surges, the Big Unknown Is Where People Are Getting Infected The U.S. and Europe struggle to identify where coronavirus infections are occurring, making it hard to impose targeted restrictions Alert reader comments: I am pretty certain that CV is multi-axially induced by the RNA fragments which invade and hijack the victims nasal and …