Say What?: Iran Helped Plan 9/11, Train Attackers

Former Iranian Intelligence Officer Says Iran Helped Plan 9/11 Attacks Julie Kent Cleveland Leader, 05/20/2011 A former Iranian intelligence official who defected has claimed that Iran helped to plot the September 11 attacks, according to court papers filed on Thursday in a victims’ lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court against the Tehran government. Phi Beta …

Bin Laden Show 14: Dr. Dr. Steve Pieczenik Nails It — Bin Laden Died in 2001 — Reiterates (Has Proof) 9/11 Was a Cheney-Led Stand-Down False Flag Operation. Indictment?

Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag “It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an American theater of the absurd….why are we doing this again….nine years ago this man was already dead….why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people,” asked Pieczenik. During his interview with …