Mini-Me: Israeli Cover Company Zim Shipping Knew Six Months in Advance 9/11 Was Coming…Here Is the Proof.

Huh? Zim Shipping: New Evidence suggests Six Months Foreknowledge of the September 11th Attack Keith Maart Veterans Today, 21 February 2014 Zim American-Israeli Shipping (“Zim”) was the predecessor company of the present Zim Integrated Shipping Services and was 49 percent owned by the Israeli government on 9/11. In 2004, the Israeli government sold their interest to …

Review: American Nations – A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

Colin Woodard 5.0 out of 5 stars Nine Nations Was a Snap-Shot — This Is Deep History & Ends Thoughtfully, February 16, 2014 I bought this book prepared to dislike it, having given a rave review to Joel Garreau’s The Nine Nations of North America. Let me settle that one immediately. I loved this book. …

Berto Jongman: New book about Fukushima reveals details on the radiation disaster

New book about Fukushima reveals details on the radiation disaster The Union of Concerned Scientists has published a new story about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant catastrophe that took place in 2011. Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster (The New Press) was written by David Lochbaum, head of the UCS’s Nuclear Safety Project; Edwin …

David Swanson: War Can Be Ended — And No, the US Civil War Was Not About Slavery and Not Worth the Human and Other Enduring True Costs

War Can Be Ended Part I Of BOOK: War No More: The Case For Abolition Slavery Was Abolished In the late eighteenth century the majority of people alive on earth were held in slavery or serfdom (three-quarters of the earth’s population, in fact, according to the Encyclopedia of Human Rights from Oxford University Press). The …

Owl: “Smart Grid” is NSA on Steroids, Expensive, Instrusive, & A Major Health Hazard

Worse than NSA, plus Hazardous to Health & Home (Causes House Fires) This is one of the 2-3 most important and perhaps alarming articles (and well documented) I’ve referred to on this site in the last twelve months. An absolute must-read for anyone living in the US and all other western countries and owns a …

Chuck Spinney: Mission Accomplished in Afghanistan — Treason, Looting of the Commonwealth, Destruction of the Millitary, and Wanton Collateral Damage…

Below, Seumas Milne well summarizes the calamitous results of our misbegotten GWOT* crusades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.  The result is not pretty, but that is hardly surprising. While Milne’s call for accountability applies to the British contribution to the GWOT, it bespeaks volumes for the United States — a country that prides itself on its …