Search: Counterintelligence & Capitalism

Great search!  We’ve been thinking recently about writing a piece on Strategic Counterintelligence that begins with Sun Tzu’s guidance to “know oneself.”  Your search is encouraging.  It boils down to one word: INTEGRITY.  The problem emerges when we fail to invest in education (as opposed to rote Weapons of Mass Instruction), this ultimate produces a …

Search: Strategic Analytic Model

A Strategic Analytic Model is the non-negotiable first step in creating Strategic Intelligence, and cascades downto also enable Operational, Tactical, and Technical Intelligence. The most relevant strategic analytic model to our purposes is the one inspired by the United Nations High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change.  Their report,  A More Secure World–Our Shared …

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

The future of OSINT is M4IS2. The future of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is Multinational, Multifunctional, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2). The following, subject to the approval of Executive and Congressional leadership, are suggested hueristics (rules of thumb): Rule 1: All Open Source Information (OSIF) goes directly to the high side (multinational top secret) …

Search: Seven Tribes (now Eight Tribes)

This concept first developed as an “information continuum” from described in 1992 as being from schoolhouse to White House, and then in 1993 covering nine elements as shown below. From there, for General Peter Schoomaker at USSOCOM, it was described as eight segments, treating the Internet as a separate entity.

Journal: In Iraq Two-Way British-American Hostility

The deep hostility of Britain’s senior military commanders in Iraq towards their American allies has been revealed in classified Government documents leaked to the Daily Telegraph. By Andrew Gilligan,  22 Nov 2009 In the papers, the British chief of staff in Iraq, Colonel J.K.Tanner, described his US military counterparts as “a group of Martians” for …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 22 Nov 09

Hot Topics CN: China’s Cyberwars 11/19/09 CN: AP NewsBreak: China holds, mistreats US geologist 11/19/09 CN: China legislator seeks to criminalise banquets: report 11/21/09 ID: Indonesian president issues order to publicly expose high-profile bank scam 11/23/09 IN: Security still lacking one year after Mumbai attacks 11/21/09 KP: Defector tells of life in North Korean army …