Senator (D-MD): Leaks Should Be a Felony + RECAP

[Congressional Record: February 15, 2011 (Senate)] [Page S753-S754] STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. CARDIN: S. 355. A bill to improve, modernize, and clarify the espionage statutes contained in chapter 37 of title 18, United States Code, to promote Federal whistleblower protection statutes and regulations, to deter unauthorized disclosures of classified information, …

AFIO Selected Headlines: Google, Woolsey, Hayden

Google Comes Under Fire for ‘Secret’ Relationship with NSA. Consumer Watchdog, an advocacy group largely focused in recent years on Google’s privacy practices, has called on a congressional investigation into the Internet giant’s “cozy” relationship with U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration.  In a letter sent Monday, Consumer Watchdog asked Representative Darrell Issa, the new chairman …

Journal: Israel Persists on Polard–an Information Operations (IO) Case Study

In Wash Post article on CIA’s Wikileaks TF, passed u/s/c, the following quote closes the piece, “the former high-ranking CIA officer said. “Nobody could carry out enough paper to do what WikiLeaks has done.””  Not sure that’s true.  Open source reporting not long after his trial indicated that Pollard hand carried tremendous volumes of paper …