Journal: India Strike on Pakistan Grows More Likely

India-Pakistan: According to a 109 page Indian interrogation report of the Pakistani-American jihadist, David Headley, officers through senior field grade ranks in Pakistan’s intelligence services were involved directly in the 2008 Mumbai militant attacks and intended to control a further split in Kashmir-based militant groups by providing them with a victory, The Guardian reported yesterday, …

Worth a Look: Hugely Inflamatory Slam on US Muslim Tax-Deductible Fund-Raising for Hamas and Hezbollah

Ladies and Gentlemen: 1.  Invite your attention the video at the YouTube link in the message below. 2.  Just to be clear: a.  I cannot tell you precisely who made the video. b.  I cannot tell definitively whether or not it is true in whole or in part.. c.  To me, it looks like it ((COULD)) be a …

Journal: Kow-Towing to Israel for No Good Reason

Sacrificing Substance for Process Peace Process to Nowhere By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reports that President Obama begged Prime Minister Netanyahu to extend his settlement freeze in order to save the so-called peace talks. As a quid pro quo, Obama is reported to have promised Netanyahu that (1) Israel could …

Journal: Israelis Executed US Citizen & Five Others

UN Fact-Finding Mission: Israeli Killing Of US Citizen Was “Execution” Originally published in Truth-out By Gareth Porter The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US …