Robert Steele: Open Letter to Mr. James Comey, FBI Director, on Indicting Hillary Clinton and Telling the Truth About Orlando UPDATE: Impeach Comey?

SHORT URL: NEW 6 July 2016: Universal condemnation of James Comey, the putative director of the FBI without an ounce of moral or intellectual gravity. James Comey Sells Out FBI Director’s cowardly decision will go down as one of the government’s worst assaults on truth Austin Bay, Observer

Robert Steele: ANSWERS for Russia Today (RT) on Gun Control, Orlando, FBI…

I’m Ilya Krol, the RT editor.We are writing an article about gun law in the U.S. and renewed discussion on it after Orlando tragedy. Russian experts say the discussion on any changes in the law is nothing but populist game of the Democrats. They also say that in general the Orlando shooting is not related …

Faded Rose: Hillary Clinton Approved Sarin for Rebels to Frame Asad — She Works for the Saudis — Trump Gets More Ammunition…

Top Journalist Says Hillary Approved Sending Sarin to Rebels Used to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War World renowned journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed, in a series of interviews and books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse …

Wayne Madsen: More Evidence ISIS is a US Creature

Manufactured Terrorism: Uncle Sam’s Support for Terrorism Laid Bare …the fact that the Obama administration has been consorting with terrorist allies of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and other countries has received little to no coverage in the American media.

Robert Steele: Democracy Riots – We are all black now, deal with it! (Trump Revolution 02)

Democracy Riots We are all black now, deal with it. Robert David Steele Short URL: The only people actually inciting violence at Donald Trump rallies are the organized agitators, including convicted felon and terrorist Bill Ayers, who are violating – with malice aforethought – the First Amendment rights of the participants in these private …