Shadowserver Foundation

The Shadowserver Foundation has been added to our righteous sites section of this site. From their website: The Shadowserver Foundation is an all volunteer watchdog group of security professionals that gather, track, and report on malware, botnet activity, and electronic fraud. It is the mission of the Shadowserver Foundation to improve the security of the …

Castro’s secret archives: US Special Ops prepares to snatch five decades of damaging material

(From March 24-25) Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) has learned from knowledgeable sources in the Pentagon that the U.S. Special Operations Command has recently been tasked to come up with a covert operation designed to snatch the secret archives complied over five decades by former Cuban President Fidel Castro. Our sources report that among Castro’s archives …

Mobile + Micro-Volunteering

It seems as though we’ve also entered a phase of “micro”. From micro-phones and micro-processors to micro-loans, micro-giving, micro-blogging, and  micro-volunteering. (How will “nano” fit into this?) Problem: 73% of Americans do not volunteer (2007 US Dept Labor). Root Cause: Most volunteer opportunities require vetting, many hours, and a long-term commitment. It’s akin to a …