Norie Huddle: Curing Patients Is Not a Sustainable Business Model

Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not a Sustainable Medical Business Model Phi Beta Iota: A healthy society not only kills the existing fraudulent medical-pharmaceutical industry, but definition it also kills the poisonous agricultural and manufacturing industries. Legalizing cannabis oil is the single biggest good President Trump could direct. Creating an Open Source Agency that documents …

Mongoose: Syria False Flag 2013 Historical Recap – CIA, Qatar, UK Arranged Gas Attacks as a Pretext for US Invasion

Historical (2013), highly relevant to what is happening today. Major Evidence Syrian Chemical Attack Staged by US-backed Terrorists On January 25, 2013, CyberwarNews published the story of a Malaysian hacker called JAsIrX who posted hacked emails to various file sharing websites from the UK-based private military contracting company, Britam Defence. A note included from the …