Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Disease

Disease Review: Betrayal of Trust–The Collapse of Global Public Health Review: COMA (Fiction) Review: The Blue Death–Disease, Disaster, and the Water We Drink Review: The Health of Nations–Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and Their Effects on National Security and Development Review: Toxin (Fiction)

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Abuse & Atrocities

Abuse & Atrocities Handbook: Democide–Internal Murder by Regimes Review: Buried in the Bitter Waters–The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America Review: Come Home America: The Rise and Fall (and Redeeming Promise) of Our Country Review: Devil’s Game–How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (American Empire Project) Review: Dogs of God–Columbus, the Inquisition, and …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Poisons, Toxicity, Trash, & True Cost

Poisons, Toxicity, Trash, & True Cost Review: A Consumer’s Dictionary of Household, Yard and Office Chemicals: Complete Information About Harmful and Desirable Chemicals Found in Everyday Home Products, Yard Poisons, and Office Polluters Review: High Tech Trash–Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and Human Health Review: Made to Break–Technology and Obsolescence in America Review: Pandora’s Poison–Chlorine, Health, …

Worth a Look: Impeachable Offenses, Modern & Historic

Impeachable Offenses (Modern) Review DVD: 9/11 Mysteries – Part I: Demolitions Review DVD: Behind Every Terrorist There Is a Bush Review DVD: Bush’s Brain (2004) Review DVD: Death of a President (Widescreen) Review: 9/11 Synthetic Terror–Made in USA, Fourth Edition Review: A Pretext for War–9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies Review: Articles …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Government Corruption

Corruption Congress Candid Camera Review: Breach of Trust–How Washington Turns Outsiders into Insiders (Hardcover) Review: Crashing the Party–Taking on the Corporate Government in an Age of Surrender Review: Gold Warriors–America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold Review: Hostile Takeover–How Big Money and Corruption Conquered Our Government–and How We Take It Back (Hardcover) Review: Off Center–The Republican …