Marcus Aurelius: DoD Tries to Rip 3/4 Billion Out of Health Care – Panetta Caught and Challenged by Congress on Integrity & Intelligence

Looks like Congress has caught DoD in a credibility and integrity breach: For years, DoD — including the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Service Chiefs, have been crying poormouth on military health care and trying to use military beneficiaries as cash cows to fund what should be 100% taxpayer-funded, …

2012 Sheddiing Light on the Secret World – Review of Hamilton Bean’s No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

PDF (5 pages):  IJIC STEELE on BEAN Review NO MORE SECRETS Shedding Light on the Secret World Robert David Steele Hamilton Bean, No More Secrets: Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence (Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA, 2011, 218 pp. $49.95. Robert Steele’s review at Amazon with quotes International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence …

David Isenberg: NATO Connects with Open Source Everything Meme

James Stavridis: How NATO’s Supreme Commander thinks about global security Imagine a global security driven by collaboration — among agencies, government, the private sector and the public. That’s not just the distant hope of open-source fans, it’s the vision of James Stavridis, the Supreme Commander of NATO, who shares vivid moments from recent military history …

20120723 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE PERSON: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Mini-Me: NCAA fines Penn State $60M, vacates wins from 1998-2011

Huh? NCAA fines Penn State $60M, vacates wins from 1998-2011 STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — The NCAA crippled Penn State football for years to come and practically tore Joe Paterno’s name out of the record books Monday, erasing 14 years of victories and imposing an unprecedented $60 million fine and other punishment over the child …

Search: the expanding role of open source information and social media for the intelligence community

The Expanding Role of Open Source Information and Social Media for the Intelligence Community Open source information and social media have caused a huge growth in the amount of data available to the intelligence community. In a budget constrained environment, this information explosion may become a major source for producing intelligence and protecting our nation. …

20120718 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE PERSON: All Opens Below Line .  Also Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost