Stephen E. Arnold: Google Tells Political Truth — But Still Does Not Make Sense

Google Gets Political It’s not often in this day and age that a Fortune 500 company rattles any political cages. In most cases, companies keep their noses out of Washington, or at least disguise their motives behind lobbyists. However, Google seems to be making some striking political waves, as we discovered in a recent NBC …

Berto Jongman: America’s Homegrown Nuclear and Fracking Terror

America’s Homegrown Terror Plagued by poor infrastructure, climate denialism, and a patchwork of unregulated fracking wells and nuclear waste sites, the U.S. is poised to topple itself with self-inflicted wounds. By Emanuel Pastreich and John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus, 7 April 2014 The U.S. security complex is up in arms about cyberhackers and foreign …

Jon Rappoport: Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Is this creating a black off-budget slush fund for the Pentagon?

Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Trevor Timm of the Electronic Freedom Frontier dug up a very interesting nugget. It was embedded in the heralded December 2013 White House task force report on spying and snooping. Under Recommendations, #31, section 2, he found this: “Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change …

Berto Jongman: Edward Snowden at TED – The Biggest Revelations Are Yet To Come….

Edward Snowden: The Biggest Revelations Are Yet to Come VANCOUVER, Canada — Edward Snowden on Tuesday said the biggest revelations have yet to come out of the estimated 1.7 million documents he acquired from the National Security Agency. In a surprise appearance via satellite robot at the 2014 TED conference in Vancouver, Snowden said there …