Marcus Aurelius: Dick Cheney Nominates Sam Nunn for Defense — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

For the record. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 18, 2013, Pg. 29 Charlie Rose Talks To Dick Cheney ‘The damage we’re doing to the Defense Department is enormous’ By Charlie Rose Someone said to me that, since you received your heart transplant last year, you’re a new man. That you’re mellow, less strident. Is this true? My …

DefDog: Was Petraus Bombed By a Zionist Bimbo Honey Trap? + Broadwell RECAP

The article reads as if JSOG and CIA were having a fight and JSOG wanted Petraeus gone.  That is not consistent with other reports that suggest that JSOG is not happy with CIA at the operational and analytic levels, and it also does not fully address the much higher probability that Broadwell, who is Jewish, …

Berto Jongman: Stronger Signals US Planning False-Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

Sorcha Faal (David Booth) is a know frabricator with a gift for surfacing and connecting dots that merit attention. Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia A grim Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin confirming the validity of the just released hacked emails of the British based defence company, Britam Defence, …

Chuck Spinney: The Real Challenges Facing the Next Secretary of Defense, Robert Steele Comments

No Guts, No Glory The Real Challenges Facing the Next Secretary of Defense FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, This essay appeared in Counterpunch (12 Dec 2012) and Time’s Battleland (3 Jan 2013) EXTRACT: The problem is not just a strategic one of extracting our forces with dignity; nor is it a political one of fingering who is …

Review: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds – American Intelligence Agency Report on the Megatrends, Gamechangers, and Black Swans of the Future, the Rise of China, Alternative World Scenarios

CIA National Intelligence Council 3.0 out of 5 stars Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts, December 27, 2012 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to a national or corporate leader, and generally nothing new. To …

Gordon Duff: Honoring Chuck Hagel, Fed Up with Zionist Meddling in US Affairs

Americans fed up with Israeli meddling in US domestic affairs By Gordon Duff and Press TV — ”Real or not, Netanyahu feels Israel has been abandoned by the US. Some Americans, I am certainly one of these, Hagel is one also as is Chairman of the JCOS, Martin Dempsey, see Israel as interfering in domestic …