Henry Makow: Are Extremist Jews (Zionists) A Threat? Is Exterminating the Goyim the Core of the Cabala?

Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala I urge you to read Ted Pike’s Israel: Our Duty…Our Dilemma (1984) to fully understand the danger in which humanity finds itself today. The essential teaching of Judaism’s most holy book, the Cabala, is that non-Jews form an impediment to progress and must be subjugated or exterminated. …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele – Yes, Lindsey Graham is Compromised… But He is Also Born Again. Representative Ilham Omar is Correct — and Both She and Senator Graham Should be Protected.

While I am quite stunned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is owned by the Zionists more ways than anyone can count, has put Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HRAC) this is a stroke of genius and exactly the right thing to do. This is an opening for …

Robert Steele: HR 1, Election Reform, Next Steps UPDATE 2: Fraud

Superficially the proposed electoral reforms are many and impressive.  However, a closer look reveals that the Democrats want to digitize districting (think Diebold fraud on a grander scale) and they are also setting the stage for non-citizens to vote in local, state, and federal elections. As best I can  tell they have NOT consulted with …