J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans May 2020 – Round Two Virus Attack + More Cities Burning in September – October 2020

American Gray Swans – May 2020 Round 2 is coming while our cities burn! Whatever you believe about the Covid 19 issue there is one thing for certain. It is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that our supply chain is vulnerable to collapse. The American Gray Swans simply points out at least 13 …

Yoda: Grassroots Solutions from Alert Reader

Alert Reader writes in: The reason I’m writing you is after listening to your interview with James McCanney I thought there are some grassroots solutions that I’ve been following for several years now that may be of interest to you! Links and three embedded videos below the fold.  EPIC!

Zero Hedge: Trump to Regulate or Close Social Media? “Everything About This Is Insane” – #GoogleGestapo

Trump Threatens To “Close Down” Twitter, Other Social Media To Stop Them From ‘Rigging’ 2020 Vote “Everything About This Is Insane” – Begging Big Tech To Be Arbiters Of Truth Will Ultimately Backfire As Liberty Bltizkrieg’s Mike Krieger noted so perfectly, “everything about this is insane.” “The tech giants are out of control, actively laundering …

Robert Steele: Google Filtering — Should It Be Illegal?

I coined the term #GoogleGestapo and have watched with great concern as the major platforms — Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube particularly, have violated their commitment to Congress (the Communications Decency Act indemnifies them on content with the intent of protecting free speech). They are all censoring individuals and manipulating information with impunity.  …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans Report April 2020 – Could COVID-19 Save America?

American Gray Swans – April 2020 Covid 19 possibly may save America! A rather stunning title statement, but it is true. Before I explain let me fill in new readers on the American Gray Swans. As many now know the Gray Swans are an adaptation of Nassim Taleb’s famous theory on a Black Swan Event. …

Mongoose: Vaccines as Legalized Crime

1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. Safety studies are typically only performed on individual vaccines rather than the combination of vaccines, which are routinely given by care providers. In fact, there have been no safety studies performed on the comprehensive vaccine schedule. A comprehensive PDF of following studies can be downloaded here.