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Review: The Ascension Mysteries Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcok

SUMMARY & REVIEW David Wilcock, THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil (Dutton, 2017) 5 Star Authentic, Credible, & Inspiring The author is world-renowned for his New York Times bestseller The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies  and his follow-on The Synchronicity Key: The …

Mongoose: Normalization of Pedophilia by the Deep State and Its “Progressive” Apparatchiks

‘Virtuous Paedophiles’: Another sickening step towards the normalisation of paedophilia by ‘enlightened progressives’ The mainstream media which advocates for such ‘Virtuous Pedophiles’ doesn’t think it’s absolutely deplorable that a journalist was told by one of these people that he molested over 300 children and yet, did not report the matter to law enforcement authorities. See …