Journal: To Vote or Not to Vote, That Is The Question…

Voting, misunderstood This year, fewer than 40% of voting age Americans will actually vote. A serious glitch in self-marketing, I think. If you don’t vote because you’re trying to teach politicians a lesson, you’re tragically misguided in your strategy. The very politicians you’re trying to send a message to don’t want you to vote. Since …

Reference: Towards a Curriculum for the Teaching of Jihadist Ideology

Towards a Curriculum for the Teaching of Jihadist Ideology The Jamestown Foundation October 27, 2010 10:00 AM Report, Home Page By: Stephen Ulph Towards a Curriculum for the Teaching of Jihadist Ideology aims to provide an introduction to the intellectual infrastructure of the jihadist phenomenon and the process of radicalization, and to furnish materials for …

Journal: Putin to Obama–Stay in Afghanistan + RECAP

Mikhail  Gorbachev, who has been neutralized by the succession of Russian rulers, especially Putin) has just advised President Obama to get out of Afghanistan.  Jonathan Steele suggests here (also attached below) that Obama ought to heed that advice, because Obama is in a similar albeit somewhat worse position than Gorbachev was in 1985-6. Analogies are dangerous, because …