Stephen E. Arnold: Exploratory Search Trends Debated

Exploratory Search Trends Debated An article titled The Changing Face of Exploratory Search on Linkedin presents the current trends in search. Exploratory search is distinct from navigational search, the latter searcher-type knows what she is expecting to get in terms of results. An exploratory searcher might know the search criteria but not how many results …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global Computing – Cheaper

Amazon Aims to Make Computing Cheaper Amazon has aspirations beyond being the world’s largest retailer. The online retail giant also aspires to be a mega force in computing, says The New York Times Bits Blog in: “Amazon Bares Its Computers.” Amazon has announced that it is taking its Amazon Web Services beyond simple cloud-computing to …

Jean Lievens: What We Need in NextGen Social Network – The Next Web (Facebook Is For Grandparents)

Facebook is for grandparents: What we need in a next-gen social network By Jonathan Saragossi, Sunday, 24 Nov ’13 , 10:25pm It’s time to move on. The feeling is becoming more and more significant with each passing day and it just keeps spreading. It’s just not it any more… we want something new, exciting, which …

Event: 22-24 JAN 14 Nashville TN InfoWarCon 2014

Beyond Information Warfare “Mr. Schwartau, why would the bad guys ever want to use the internet…?” (Congressman Glickman during Congressional Testimony, June 1991) It was obvious. To some of us. Now, it is almost impossible to quantify how far behind we really are. Information Warfare (some relegated the term as politically incorrect) or CyberWar or …

Rickard Falkvinge: NSA Asked GNU/Linux Founder to Subvert His Network with Covert Backdoors

NSA Asked Linus Torvalds To Install Backdoors Into GNU/Linux Posted: 17 Nov 2013 04:59 AM PST Infopolicy – Christian Engström:  The NSA has asked Linus Torvalds to inject covert backdoors into the free and open operating system GNU/Linux. This was revealed in this week’s hearing on mass surveillance in the European Parliament. Chalk another one …