Journal: Haiti–A Special Forces Sergeant Major Reports Our National Crime Against Humanity in Haiti

From A Retired Special Forces Sgt Major: To All, I just returned from Haiti with Hebler. We flew in at 3 AM Sunday to the scene of such incredible destruction on one side, and enormous ineptitude and criminal neglect on the other. Port o Prince is in ruins. The rest of the country is fairly …

Journal: Stupid Is As Stupid Does–Israel…Again

With the possible exception of Syria, Turkey is the most welcoming and friendliest country in the Mediterranean.  It is also the Islamic country that is on the friendliest terms with Israel.  It predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, had a distinguished history of providing a welcoming sanctuary for Jew persecuted by Christians, particular those in Spain.  But …

Review: The Fourth Star–Four Generals and the Epic Struggle for the Future of the United States Army

Been There, Done That, Shinseki & LISTENING October 26, 2009 Greg Jaffe This is unquestionably a great book but it is so narrow, and so oblivious to the larger context within which the U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Shinseki GOT IT RIGHT and knew exactly what was needed, and the impeachable offenses of Chenez, …