Review: The Secret Sentry–The Untold History of the National Security Agency

by Matthew M. Aid. Bloomsbury, 423 pp., $30.00 REVIEW BY James Bamford The New York Review of Books (5 November 2009) Pre-released in The Huffington Post (Full Review Here) Bamford on Detail, Steele on Impact–Solid Five Stars October 17, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: James Bamford is without peer in his understanding of the NSA. He …

Event Report CORRECTED LINKS: Responding to Real Time Information, Open Systems and the Obama IT Vision [Google-Microsoft Meld]

FIXED Big File Problem.  Three Separate Files, each at Their Respectuve Thumbnails. EVENT REPORT: Have you been wondered just how we are going to implement M4IS2* and add to it Real-Time-Processing (RTP) and Near-Real-Time Processing (NRTP)?  This event introduced to the Washington, D.C. environment, for the first time, the concept of operations and related technologies …

Journal: CIA Opens Climate Center–the Reductionism and Irrelevance Continues within a “Dumb Nation”

CIA Opens Center for Climate Change. The Central Intelligence Agency announced plans to launch a center on climate change to examine the potential security risks of environmental issues.  The CIA said it was working on its new Center on Climate Change and National Security to examine the national security impact of environmental issues such as …

Definitions: M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making

In 1988 a global campaign started at the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) with the discovery that 80% or more of what the Marine Corps needed to do policy, acquisition, and operations support for this unique expeditionary and constabulary force, was not secret, not expensive, but also not known to anyone in Washington, D.C.  Thus …